First, on February 18th 2009, I knew that day was the last episode of Early Edit4on season 4.
And when I saw the AXN show schedules, there would be Early Edition again
I was confused
I thought tomorrow would be still episodes of Early Edition season 4.
So I waited until tomorrow.
When that day, on February 19th, I came back home after school.
As usual. I was preparing to watch Early Edition.
And when it started, EARLY EDITION SEASON 1!
I can't believe
It has been the third time AXN broadcasts Early Edition.
I'm never bored watching Early Edition, because it's my favorite TV show ever in my life --> or another reason is Kyle Chandler in it, and I'm the big fan of Kyle Chandler<--
And although I have the DVDs of Early Edition from season 1 until season 4, I always watch Early Edition on TV
The first time I watched Early Edition on AXN was on June 2nd '08, and end until October 2nd '08
And then AXN broadcasted for the second time on October 16th '08 until February 18th '09
And the third times has just begun on February 19th '09
OMG! I can't believe it. That's so amazing!
Early Edition will be in my heart forever!
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