Glee Cast

Glee Cast

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Seahorse? Seahorse? Seahorse?

When I think of seahorse, I remember about these scenes:

So, why do you post pictures of seahorse? Is there anything funny?
One of my friend told me my stomach was just like a "seahorse", Seahorse has a bloated stomach, and I'm a big one, not bloated
Hihihihi. . . . .
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Where Is My Binder?

What did you feel, when your most important thing in your life, had lost?
I mean, "a thing", not a live creatures :(
Yeah, it would be so so so so so so so so so so so so sad, I think

And you know what, it happened TO ME!!
So, what's happening to you??
I lost my binder, a note book, for my study course in SSC. And I feel so so so so so so so so so sad of this :(

Here's the thing:
I went to SSC on last Monday, and after I had studied for about 3 hours, I came back home. And when I arrived at home, I checked my bag, and I found no binder in it. And then I remembered I put my binder below my chair when I was in SSC. Sigh, what a careless of me. Then I was thinking, I would go to SSC tomorrow, and I hoped my binder didn't lost

Tomorrow, after school time, I talked to Nawan to checked my binder on Room 8 of SSC, and he said he would checked it for me. But unfortunately, he didn't attend the class because of having some important meeting *CMIIW*, I was so worried about my binder, then I tried to relax, thinking positively.

On Wednesday, it was my schedule to enter SSC class, and I was walking fast to the Information desk, to ask where my binder was. When I asked the information, they didn't find any binder on their drawer. OOOOOOHHH NOOOOOO!!! WHERE IS MY BINDER????
Oh God, I was so so so so worried about my binder at that time!!!

"Where is my binder? Where is my binder? Where is my binder?", that is what I'm thinking right now

I felt like I had no energy, no spirit, because of losing my important thing: BINDER
You know what? It's a future for me. I had written on it for 4 months, since the first time I entered the class on the beginning of  Second Semester.
It's no problem about how much ink pen I had used, how many papers was in it, but the most important thing is "The knowledge contained in it". It's very important for me.

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Why do I love "GLEE"?

That's the point. Why do I love Glee?
Yeah, why do you love "Glee"?
  • "Glee" is about being yourself" ~Will Schuester
  • "Glee" completes me in music
  • "Glee" expresses me to what I'm feeling
  • "Glee" enjoys my ear and mind with the cover musics
  • "Glee" is better way than "High School Musical"
  • "Glee" inspires me to be a better person
  • "Glee" presents great covered songs, such as Lady Gaga, Lionel Richie
  • "Glee" gives me spirit to enjoy this life
  • "Glee" lets me know something important about LOVE
  • "Glee" teaches us to be responsible in everything I had done
I don't like "Glee". What should I do?
I don't know. Perhaps you should watch football match, watch videos of Lady Gaga, study Biology stuffs, play games, practice your vocal because you are a vocalist, and maybe you can listen to "Efek Rumah Kaca" or "John Legend" songs :(

How could you love "Glee"?
The first time I knew Glee, when Glee was on Twitter Trending Topics. Everybody talked about Glee. When I checked what Glee was, I was just like High School Musical, but in TV Series format. Hey, I love High School Musical, because of the "musical and songs stuffs". Then I tried to find the Ripped DVD of Glee, and I watched it. Glee presents something different (a better way) than High School Musical.

I don't like you love Glee. I hate your Glee stuffs.
Yeah, because you didn't yet listen to "It's My Life / Confession" from Glee. You just heard It's My Life from Bon Jovi. You had not heard it from Glee.
I love Kurt Hummel from Glee. He's a cutie"
Such as this???

I love Glee :)

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Monday, May 24, 2010

Andaikan Aku Punya Uang 1 Milyar. . . . . . . . . .

ANDAIKAN AKU PUNYA DUIT SATU MILYARRRRRRRRRRR........................................
Aku akan................................. membeli..............................:
  • 10 piring nasi goreng, tambah ayam gorengnya 2
  • 6 gelas jus alpukat
  • 1 gelas jus pepaya buat mamaku
  • 1 gelas jus terong belanda buat papaku
  • 5 bungkus ayam penyet di Iga Iga Bakso dekat rumah
  • Rp 50.000 Pisang goreng, risol, tahu, tempe + cabe rawit,
  • 1 unit Handphone iPhone 4S
  • 1 unit BlackBerry Onyx buat mamaku
  • 1 unit BlackBerry Onyx buat papaku juga
  • @ Rp 100.000 buat 2 abangku
  • 1 unit Laptop Mac Book Air
  • 1 unit Xbox 360 + game-gamenya
  • 10 piring Ifu Mie goreng. . .
  • 1 DVD Glee Season 1, kalo ada dijual di Indonesia
  • 10 kotak pulpen Pilot @10 pulpen. Merah, biru, hitam, campoooor. . .
  • 10 topi MacBeth
  • 25 sepatu kets Adidas
  • 8 botol minyak wangi Calvin Klein untuk cowok
  • 38 unit iPod Touch buat teman-teman sekelasku (yang udah punya, gak usah lagi)
  • 2 tas Planet Ocean (buat jalan-jalan)
  • 30 kemeja kotak-kotak kayak bajunya Kyle Chandler waktu main di Early Edition
  • 10 celana Jeans, apa aja deh
  • 30 buah pepaya
  • 3 unit LCD TV buat di ruang tamu, kamar orang tua, dan kamarku
  • 1000 film apa aja deh yang enak di tonton
  • 1 unit AC buat ganti AC baru di kamarku
  • 38 unit FlashDisk 8 GB buat teman-teman sekelasku :o
  • 50 kotak korek api. Ntah kenapa miskin kali korek api di rumah
  • Bayarin makan teman-teman sekelas selama seminggu
  • 30 sisir pisang
  • Renovasi rumah, atau buat rumah lain
  • Les piano dan biola
Ya Allah, semoga terkabul aku punya duit 1 MILYAR. Amiiiiiinnn
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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Pengen Bisa Ngetik Cepat?

pakah kamu pengen bisa ngetik keyboard cepat? Apa kamu pengen berhasil di game Typing Maniac di Facebook? Try this one.

Jangan cuma ngetik cepat keypad handphone aja yang bisa. Ngetik cepat di keyboard komputer juga harus cepat dong. Jangan sampe kamu ditertawakan sama teman-teman kamu kalo kamu ngetik komputer pake 11 jari (maksudnya satu jari telunjuk kiri, satu lagi telunjuk kanan). Gak mau kan?

Nah, solusinya ada di sini:
1. Download Game House "Typer Shark" di komputer kamu. Versi TRIAL ada di SINI
2. Instal di komputer
3. Jalanin game nya
4. Ntar nanti ada pilihan "Typing Tutor", disini buat kamu latihan

Atau ada juga latihan mengetik yang sejenis, yaitu "Typing Master". Kalo yang ini lebih banyak variasinya

Download versi Trial-nya di SINI

Dijamin, kalo kamu sering-sering latihan pake 2 aplikasi ini, niscaya dengan rahmat Allah Yang Maha Kuasa, kamu Insya Allah bisa ngetik komputer dengan cepat. Amiiin. Tapi latihannya serius ya, ya tiap hari lah. Kalo ada kemauan, pasti ada jalan

Pertama kali beli komputer pas saya kelas 6 SD, dan saya mulai belajar mengutak-atik komputer. Dan ingat banget, waktu itu masih ngetik pake 11 jari. Nah, waktu kelas 1 SMP, ketika itu ada seorang guru Komputer, dia bilang ke murid-murid bakalan ada Lomba Mengetik di SMP Negeri 1 Medan. Nah, aku sih ikut-ikut aja, karena gratis sih :D.

Sang Guru pun menyuruh aku dan teman-teman sekelasku ke Lab Komputer. Kami disuruh membuka game "Typing Master" dan kemudian latihan mengetik. Nah, disitulah berawal aku bisa ngetik 10 hari dengan cepat. Untunglah waktu itu aku udah punya Flash Disk, jadi game Typing Master itu aku copy ke FD, dan ku mainkan di komputer di rumahku.

Di rumah aku bener-bener semangat, latihan mengetik di Typing Master itu, ada game-game nya, seru pokoknya. Dan setelah 1 bulan, akhirnya aku lancar juga mengetik cepat (walaupun tidak selancar seperti sekarang ini).

Tapi eh tapi, ternyata eh ternyata, Lomba Mengetik itu NGGAK JADI DIADAKAN. Hohohohoho. . . . . . Entah apa alasannya, eh dibatalkan. Tapi dari situ, aku mendapat hikmah yang luar biasa, yaitu BISA MENGETIK CEPAT. Alhamdulillah ya Allah, sampai sekarang aku bisa mengetik cepat 9 jari (jempol kiri nggak dipake).

ini link-link buat maen game-game ngetik:
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Monday, May 17, 2010

And I Still Remember, The Game . . . . . . . . . .

The entry title is "And I Still Remember, The Game . . . . . ". That's what I'm thinking right now.

Sometimes I remember the last time I touched Playstation 1 machine when I was in elementary school.  
And I still remember, the game I played last was "Team Buddies." 

And I still remember, the game I like most was the "Vigilante 8: 2nd Offense"

And I still remember, the game which made my heart pounding was the "Dino Crisis 2".  

And I still remember, the game which made me feel challenged, although the game was just a normal game, not too great, was "Skydiving Extreme

And I still remember, the game that made me forgot to eat was the "Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere"

And I still remember, the game which still borrowed by my friend, and had not returned till now was "Twisted Metal 4"

And I still remember, the game that made me able to walk around the city of Chicago, Havana, Rio de Janeiro, and Las Vegas, was the "Driver 2"

And I still remember, the game which made me to be a mature man, and try to be good with other ppeople. was "Harvest Moon: Back To Nature"

And many more. And now, I'm still thinking, the Playstation 1 games, which were unforgetable in my mind, and my heart
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Sunday, May 16, 2010


First of all, Let's shout: glee. . . . . . .
Akhirnya tercapai juga keinginanku untuk mendapatkan 2 barang yang sudah aku impi-impikan untuk mendapatkannya, yaitu: *jeng jeng jeng jeng*


Senangnya bisa punya 2 CD Original from Glee.
Aku belinya kemarin, hari Sabtu tanggal 15 Mei 2010 di Disc Tarra Sun Plaza. Dan ketika pertama kali aku masuk ke toko Disc Tarra, terpampanglah langsung di bagian paling depan 2 CD Original Glee: The Music. Tanpa ada perintah apapun, aku langsung berjalan cepat, dan segera mengambil 2 CD Original itu. Hehehe.

Harga 1 CD Original Glee: The Music adalah Rp 75.000, jadi pada saat itu, aku udah ngabisin Rp 150.000. Yah, bukan Gleek namanya kalo belum beli CD Original-nya :D

Yap, enjoy these screenshots:

Glee: The Music, Volume 1

Glee: The Music, Volume 2

Yap, what I just can say is: I'M A GLEEK

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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Top 10 Best Songs from Glee - Season 1 Part 2

Glee kembali pada bulan April, setelah sebelumnya beristirahat sejenak dengan 13 episode awalnya (part 1). Dimana Glee di season 1 kali ini bakal menghadirkan 22 episode, yang 13 episode tadi sudah selesai. Nah, kemudian 9 episode sisanya mulai dilanjutkan pada bulan April dengan episode 14 yaitu "Hell-O". Nah, pada tanggal 12 Mei 2010 sekarang, baru saja ditayangkan di FOX Channel, Glee episode 18 "Laryngitis". Jadi ada 4 episode lagi yang tersisa di Glee, season 1.

Kali ini saya akan membahas tentang, the "Top 10 Best Songs from Glee - Season 1 Part 2", dimana maksudnya 10 lagu-lagu aransemen versi Glee yang paling direkomendasikan buat didengerin para Blogger, mulai dari episode 14 "Hell-O" sampai episode 18 "Laryngitis". Sebelumnya ini dia daftar lagu-lagunya:

1. Episode 14 "Hell-O"

  • Highway To Hell (Jessie)
  • Gives You Hell (Rachel)
  • Hello (Rachel and Jessie)
  • Hello Goodbye (Cast)
  • Hello I Love You (Finn)
2. Episode 15 "The Power of Madonna"
  • Express Yourself (Glee Girls)
  • Borderline / Open Your Heart (Rachel and Finn)
  • Vogue (Sue Sylvester)
  • Like A Virgin (Cast)
  • Like A Prayer (Cast)
3. Episode 16 "Home"

  • A House Is Not A Home (Kurt and Finn)
  • Beautiful (Mercedes)
  • Fire (April and Will)
  • Home (April)
  • One Less Bell To Answer / A House Is Not A Home (April and Will)
4. Episode 17 "Bad Reputation"

  • Ice Ice Baby (Will)
  • Physical (Sue and Olivia Newton-John)
  • You Can't Touch This (Artie)
  • Run Joey Run (Rachel, Jessie, Puck, Finn)
  • Total Eclipse of the Heart (Rachel, Jessie, Puck, Finn)
5. Episode 18 "Laryngitis"

  • One (Rachel and Finn)
  • Rose's Turn (Kurt)
  • The Boy Is Mine (Mercedes and Santana)
  • Lady Is A Tramp (Mercedes and Puck)
  • Jessie's Girl (Finn)
 Dan The Top 10 Best Songs versi saya adalah: *Jeng Jeng Jeng*:
  1. Like A Prayer (The Power of Madonna)
  2. Total Eclipse of the Heart (Bad Reputation)
  3. Beautiful (Home)
  4. Home (Home)
  5. One (Laryngitis)
  6. Borderline / Open Your Heart (The Power of Madonna)
  7. Hello Goodbye (Hell-O)
  8. One Less Bell To Answer / A House Is Not A Home (Home)
  9. Lady Is A Tramp (Laryngitis)
  10. Express Yourself (The Power of Madonna)
Yap, itu dia lagu-lagu yang patut kalian dengerin di Glee, dari episode 14 sampai 18. Dan ingat, ada sisa 4 episode lagi lho :D. Ntar entri ini bakalan di update *semoga ingat*.
Oh iya, bagi kalian yang mau download lagu-lagunya, silahkan ke SINI (punya mbak @LeaPecel) :D. dan, tetap, 
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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

How To Have A Healthy Diet?

Sebagai siswa SMA sekarang ini, kita mungkin memiliki banyak sekali kegiatan. Kegiatan ini pun macam-macam, ada yang belajar, les private, les bimbingan belajar, olahraga, dll. Nah, dan mungkin ada beberapa siswa SMA yang mengalami kendala dengan berat badannya. Mungkin dia berpikir, ia tidak makan malam, tapi badannya nggak kurus-kurus. Apa penyebabnya??

Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi berat badan kita, sudah pasti adalah pola makan. Kalau pola makan kita salah, bisa-bisa malah nambah berat badan. Nah, bagaimana kah pola makan yang baik, agar bagi kamu yang ingin diet sehat, bisa berhasil?
Sarapan adalah hal yang sangat vital. Kalo misalnya kamu sekolah nggak sarapan, malah waktu kamu belajar, kamu malah ngantuk, dan mungkin aja bisa menyebabkan pingsan. Nggak mau kan? Nah, makanya kamu sarapan. Tapi bagi kamu yang ingin sarapan sehat, coba deh kamu buat segelas susu, dan kamu makan 2 butir telur setiap hari. Sekalian juga ditambah segelas teh manis. Semua itu udah cukup dan ngebuat kamu kenyang sampai jam 11 nanti.

Kalau sudah masuk jam makan siang, segeralah makan dan jangan ditunda-tunda. Kenapa ga boleh ditunda-tunda? Karena udara yang ada di perut kamu malah ngebuat perut kamu makin gembung, dan kamu bakalah kelihatan gendut. Maka segeralah diisi. Dan makanan kamu juga jangan banyak-banyak amat. Cukuplah sepiring nasi.

Kemudian, perbanyaklah minum air putih, dan sebisanya sih air hangat. Jangan minum air dingin, karena bakalan ngebuat lambung kamu tidak mencerna maksimal.
Selain itu, ketika kamu makan sesuatu, cobalah makan perlahan-lahan.
Mengapa orang Amerika lebih rentan terkena obesitas daripada orang Prancis? jawabannya, bukan saja karena porsi makan orang Amerika lebih banyak, tetapi juga karena orang Prancis sangat menikmati makanan mereka dalam setiap kunyahan, sehingga cenderung makan secara perlahan. Hal ini menyebabkan perut akan lebih cepal terasa kenyang yang pada akhirnya turut membantu menekan selera dan porsi makan.

Dan satu lagi, mungkin diantara kamu ada yang nggak makan malam supaya nggak gemuk. Sebenarnya sih metode ini salah, karena perut kamu dalam keadaan kosong. Kalau kamu makan malam, makanlah secukupnya. Kalau kamu biasanya makan semangkuk nasi, maka malamnya, kamu makan setengahnya saja, supaya pola makan kamu lebih baik.

Mungkin ini saja yang bisa saya berikan, semoga bagi kamu yang sedang menjalankan diet, bisa berhasil dengan tips dari saya :D

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The Power of Madonna --> Pump Up The Volume

Glee - The Power of Madonna

All right. The entry title is The Power of Madonna. What's that mean? Is that means Madonna should be a super woman? Exactly not. This is THE POWER OF MADONNA.

The Power of Madonna is the 15th episode of Glee on season 1. In this episode, all the people are empowered by the songs of Madonna, but what I just wanna inform you here, is only about the track lists, not the plot.

"Glee - The Power of Madonna" consist of the songs from Madonna, which are very very popular in her debut. In this album, it has five popular songs from Madonna. Its tracklist encompasses "Express Yourself", a mash-up of "Borderline" and "Open Your Heart", "Vogue", "Like A Virgin", "4 Minutes", "What it Feels Like for a Girl", and "Like a Prayer". In its first week of release, Glee: The Music – The Power of Madonna reached number one on the Billboard 200, with 98,000 copies sold.

"Express Yourself"
"Borderline / Open Your Heart"
"Like A Virgin"
"4 Minutes"
"What It Feels Like For A Girl"
"Like A Prayer"

If you want to download the songs, click HERE
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