That's the point. Why do I love Glee?
Yeah, why do you love "Glee"?
- "Glee" is about being yourself" ~Will Schuester
- "Glee" completes me in music
- "Glee" expresses me to what I'm feeling
- "Glee" enjoys my ear and mind with the cover musics
- "Glee" is better way than "High School Musical"
- "Glee" inspires me to be a better person
- "Glee" presents great covered songs, such as Lady Gaga, Lionel Richie
- "Glee" gives me spirit to enjoy this life
- "Glee" lets me know something important about LOVE
- "Glee" teaches us to be responsible in everything I had done
I don't like "Glee". What should I do?
I don't know. Perhaps you should watch football match, watch videos of Lady Gaga, study Biology stuffs, play games, practice your vocal because you are a vocalist, and maybe you can listen to "Efek Rumah Kaca" or "John Legend" songs :(
How could you love "Glee"?
The first time I knew Glee, when Glee was on Twitter Trending Topics. Everybody talked about Glee. When I checked what Glee was, I was just like High School Musical, but in TV Series format. Hey, I love High School Musical, because of the "musical and songs stuffs". Then I tried to find the Ripped DVD of Glee, and I watched it. Glee presents something different (a better way) than High School Musical.
I don't like you love Glee. I hate your Glee stuffs.
Yeah, because you didn't yet listen to "It's My Life / Confession" from Glee. You just heard It's My Life from Bon Jovi. You had not heard it from Glee.
I love Kurt Hummel from Glee. He's a cutie"
Such as this???
I love Glee :)
Hyaah, foto Kurt-nyaaa :D [orz saya gak nyambung :'(]
ReplyDeleteAnyway, i love glee 'cause it brings a new thing to life. Well, even I sometimes found that the cover is.. well, not as good as I hope.
But anyway, long live Glee ;)
thanks for your comment :D. Yay, GLEE!!!